Our mission is to collect, preserve, and share the history and humble beginnings of the area’s early settlers, foster a better understanding and appreciation for the hard work, cooperation, and innovations that arose from their efforts and shaped this community, and show the connection between the many groups of people who share a similar immigration story.
By offering our site, we aim to educate the public through agricultural displays and stories of the early immigrants to the area and how their history connects with later generations who have followed a similar path.
The Oxnard Historic Farm Park is Home to:
Two of the oldest buildings on the Oxnard Plains: the 1870s Farmhouse and the 1869 Brick Residence/Winery
A towering 1800s Canary Island Date Palm
A 1890s Carriage House
A 1870s spring wagon once owned by Johannes Borchard
Two vineyards of 1880s Zinfandel Blanc grapes from Santa Cruz Island
Two vintage Lima Bean threshers built by the Ventura Manufacturing & Implement Company
Nine historic tractors
Numerous plows and other farm implements
A Small lemon and avocado orchard
A Chumash Garden at the entrance
Countless historic photo displays
A collection of local history books available for purchase
Buy at 2 lb. bag of locally grow lima beans
Our Beginnings:
The seeds for OHFP were planted back in 1997 after Jeffrey Maulhardt traveled to the Duderstatdt in the Lower Saxony area to research the early German settler families who migrated to Ventura County in the later 1800s. The families he sought information on included the Borchards, Diedrichs, Friedrichs, Kohler, Maulhardt, Reimann, and Wucherpfennig. After two weeks of gathering information about the families’ farming and craftsman histories dating back several centuries, he developed a deeper appreciation for preserving history. Many of the farmsteads and churches were built in the 1700s and 1800s, and they still housed relatives and provided a place of worship. The villages of Desingerde, Esplingerode, Mingerode, Nesselroden, and Werxhausen still included families that migrated to the Oxnard area.
At the Maulhardt farmstead in Mingerode, Jeffrey learned that the Maulhardt family included generations of zimmermeiter or building masters and maurer, bricklayers. All the buildings were made out of brick. Among the brick buildings was a storehouse building, similar to the brick winery building at the Bob Pfeiler ranch off Rose Ave in Oxnard. Knowing that the property was initially farmed by Gottfried Maulhardt, Jeffrey began discussing with Bob about preserving the original buildings that Gottfried built sometime in the 1870s. Jeffrey gathered friends Gary Blum and Eric Daily and started creating a plan to create a historic site. Within the following few years, paperwork began for the historic preservation of the buildings.
However, by 2001, Bob’s health deteriorated, and he passed away the following year. With his 47-acre ranch now up for sale, a new approach was needed. Out of respect to Bob’s five children, the historical paperwork was withdrawn. Through planning commission Maury Navarro’s connection, Jeffrey next approached the developer, John Laing Homes. The idea was to carve out an acre of land that would be a part of the three acres the developer had to give back to the city, which allowed the Pfeiler family to get the total value of their land and not delay the development of the property. The developer would benefit by not facing the backlash of destroying the historic buildings, and the community would gain a historical asset. Jeffrey, Gary, and Eric formed a nonprofit in 2003 as the Oxnard Historic Farm Park Foundation and, at this point, requested county landmark status and were granted designation as the Gottfried Maulhardt/Albert Pfeiler Farm Site – Ventura County Historical Landmark 165. The following year, in 2004, the Farm Park began selling $100 engraved bricks to raise money for its Foundation. It wasn’t until the residential houses were finished in 2007 that the Foundation could officially occupy the property and begin hosting events to raise money.
With no plumbing, electricity, or water, the first events were break-even at best, but support and momentum slowly began building. Early sponsors included Chuck Covarrubias, Jim Gill, Richard and Ruth Maulhardt, Dean and Toni Maulhardt, and Frank Naumann. With their generous donations, brick sales, and other sponsorships, the Farm Park added utilities, restrooms, and office space by 2013.
In 2009, the Farm Park hosted its first annual Oktoberfest. By 2013, OHFP had become part of Farm Day, sponsored by SEEAG, the first Saturday in November. On September 14, 2024, the Oktoberfest event will be replaced with the first Annual Lima Bean Fest, which will occur each year on the second Saturday of September.
Our Current Board of Directors:
Jeff Maulhardt, Director | Terry Ball, Treasurer | Jim Thompson, Secretary
Chain of Ownership, Pre-Period of Significance
Rancho El Río de Santa Clara o La Colonia was granted in 1837 by Alta California Governor Juan B. Alvarado to eight Mexican Soldiers from the Santa Barbara Presidio (Valentine Cota, Salvador Valenzuela, Vicente Pico, Rafael Valdez, Vincent Feliz, Leandro Gonzales, and Rafael Gonzales). Rafael Gonzalez — a former mission administrator and later the alcalde of Santa Barbara — owned the site, which was his portion of the 44,883-acre Mexican land grant. He used the land for cattle.
Juan Camarillo, a member of the Hijar (1834) expedition that included another longtime county pioneer, Jose Maria Covarrubias, acquired the land from Rafael Gonzalez in 1865.
ILLUSTRATION: Ticor Title Insurance and Dudley, Leavett, “Old Spanish & Mexican Ranchos of Ventura County,” Research Library at The Museum of Ventura County
Chain of Ownership, Period of Significance
1867: German immigrants, including Gottfried & Sophie Maulhardt, Jacob Maulhardt, Heinrich (Henry) and Caspar Borchard, arrive in California. Joined by Christian Borchard, a Gold Rush-era settler.
1866: After floods in San Joaquin Valley, Christian moves south, purchasing 1,000 acres in future Ventura County from Jose Lobero, who acquired it from Gonzalez in 1866, including the Gonzalez adobe.
Gottfried, Sophie, and Caspar initially stay at the Gonzalez adobe, then lease land on Colonia Rancho from Juan Camarillo, who bought land from Gonzalez.
First commercial crop of barley planted on the Oxnard Plain by Christian, Ed Borchard, Caspar, and Gottfried.
1872: Gottfried Maulhardt and others purchase 1,230 acres, establish connections with Ventura Mission through their Catholic faith.
Gottfried, a master craftsman/brick mason from Germany, builds a two-story brick residence/winery by 1869 and a wooden residence by 1870.
1876: Brick building becomes a storehouse for wine of Santa Clara Chapel, completed in 1877. Gottfried grows a vineyard of 250 grapevines by 1879.
1875: Gottfried sells 205 acres to Caspar Borchard.
1887: Hiram K. Snow buys 171 acres from Gottfried for $17,141. Gottfried retains a road leading to the old Conejo Road and Santa Clara Parish Chapel.
PHOTO: Santa Clara Chapel Building Committee 1876
1. Christian Borchard 2. Dominick McGrath 3. Thomas Cloyne 4. Gottfried Maulhardt 5. Jacob Maulhardt 6. Anton Maulhardt
Into the 20th Century
Sophie Maulhardt continued to own the land upon her husband Gottfried’s passing in December 1898. She kept it until she sold it in 1905.
In 1905, Louis Pfeiler, an immigrant from Austria/Hungary, began farming the Oxnard Plain in the 1870s and purchased the 30-acre site from Sophie Maulhardt as a wedding gift for his son Albert Pfeiler. Albert farmed and maintained the property until, following tradition, he gifted it to his son Robert “Bob” Pfeiler for his wedding on December 5, 1937. Bob Pfeiler farmed and maintained the property until he died in 2002.
After Bob Pfeiler’s death, the Pfeiler family sold the 46-acre ranch to John Laing Homes for development.
Previously, Jeffrey Maulhardt had discussed preserving the Maulhardt Winery and the farmhouse with Bob Pfeiler. However, with Bob’s passing, Jeff put the landmark status on hold, allowing the family to sell the land without a historical landmark interfering with the sale. By approaching the developer, Jeff offered to create a win-win situation for the family, the developer, and the community. He formed the Oxnard Historic Farm Park Foundation in 2003 to develop the site surrounding the old buildings. The 0.86 acres were donated to the City of Oxnard, and the city leased the land back to the Foundation in 2007.
OHFP Today
Since 2016, the Master Gardeners of Ventura County have joined us every week, assisting with gardening maintenance and offering gardening classes throughout the year. The Oxnard Historic Farm Park Foundation purchased the site from the City of Oxnard on January 6, 2022.
Today, the site (Ventura County Landmark No. 165 — Gottfried Maulhardt/Albert Pfeiler Farm Site) is known as the Oxnard Historic Farm Park, which is owned and operated by the Oxnard Historic Farm Park Foundation, whose purpose is to restore and preserve the two oldest remaining structures on the Oxnard Plain dating back to the 1870s, as well as creating displays for vintage farm equipment, growing garden plots of crops from the past, and creating a home for Oxnard History where the community can gather for public and private events.
PHOTO: Google Earth